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Get into Teaching

The Get into Teaching website will support you with all aspects of becoming a teacher. This includes eligibility, exploring your options, how to apply, life as a teacher and gaining school experience.



Postgraduate bursaries and scholarships are only available for the subject listed below.  You cannot receive both a teaching bursary and a scholarship.

For 2025 to 2026 we are offering bursaries of:

  • £29,000 in chemistry, computing, mathematics and physics
  • £26,000 in biology, design and technology, geography and languages (including ancient languages)
  • £10,000 in art and design, music and religious education (RE)
  • £5,000 in English

Applicants may be eligible for a bursary if they have 1st, 2:1, 2:2, PhD or master’s.


We are offering scholarships of:

  • £31,000 in chemistry, computing, mathematics and physics
  • £28,000 in French, German and Spanish (no other languages)

Scholarships are usually available to applicants with a 1st, 2:1, master’s or PhD, though in exceptional circumstances they may be awarded to a graduate with a 2:2 and significant relevant experience.

  • tax free scholarship
  • membership to the professional body
  • subject specialist events and webinars held by professional bodies
  • online and face-to-face workshops across the country
  • subject specialist mentors and coaching
  • community of scholars (ex-scholars, teachers, subject leaders)
  • access to classroom resources
  • continuing professional development (CPD) and networking events during ITT year and alumni

Scholarships are applied for separately to ITT and only awarded to high calibre students who pass a robust application and interview process in one of the specialist subject areas. Scholarships are awarded instead of a bursary.

Scholarship applicants should apply to the relevant scholarship body.

Apply for Teacher Training here: Apply for teacher training - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The use of Artificial Intelligence and Initial Teacher Training (ITT) 

All written responses will be run through an AI Detector as part of our short-listing process.

The Department of Education (DfE) outlines clear compliance criteria to which all accredited ITT Providers must adhere. In the criteria, there is a section that focusses on ‘Intellectual and academic capabilities’ which states that all candidates need to demonstrate their competence regarding their ‘fundamental proficiency in English’. ITT statutory guidance 2024 to 2025 September 2024 update (publishing.service.gov.uk)

As part of our proficiency checks, Prospere Learning Trust and Bright Futures SCITT assess a candidate’s proficiency in written English through the submission of a personal statement at application (via DfE Apply), and a written task which takes place after the interview.

Please note that pre-interview, all personal statements will be run through an AI Detector, therefore we strongly encourage all candidates to write using their own words.

We reserve the right to not progress with an application if the use of AI is detected.

At interview, if the use of AI is detected in the written task, the submission will be discounted, and candidates will be offered a final opportunity to submit one further piece written in their own words. These checks are critical so that ITT Providers have evidence that all candidates have a high level of literacy skills.