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100% of our schools are graded Good or Outstanding by Ofsted.
Ofsted Highlights
‘Pupils enjoy coming to school because it is a caring and supportive environment where they flourish.’
‘Staff feel that good attention is paid to their well-being and they work collaboratively to manage their workload effectively.’
‘Leaders and teachers collaborate across the Prospere Learning Trust to bring about purposeful, evidence-based change.’
2021 Inspection
‘Staff enjoy working at the school. Leaders take positive action to support the workload and well-being of staff.’
'CHS South is a welcoming and supportive community. Pupils are proud of their school.'
‘Staff enjoy working at the school. Leaders take positive action to support the workload and well-being of staff.’
2023 Inspection
‘The curriculum on offer at Grange from early years to sixth form is extraordinary. It is broad, balanced and ambitious.’
‘Pupils at all stages in their school life blossom, both socially and academically. This helps pupils to have a strong sense of belonging and they feel part of the school community.’
‘Staff report that the school and the Trust consider their workload and well-being thoroughly.’
2023 Inspection
‘Pupils from all backgrounds are well supported to gain the resilience and knowledge that they need for a positive future.’
‘Staff make good use of expertise at the school and from other partners to provide effective support for pupils with SEND outside of their lessons.’
‘Pupils enjoy coming to school. They feel safe because they are confident that they can approach staff for help if they need to.’
2021 Inspection
‘Pupils’ impeccable conduct and their scholarly attitudes to learning ensure that classrooms are free from disruption.’
‘Pupils are supported well to be successful. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.’
‘Leaders have been very successful in recruiting high numbers of staff and supporting them to become proficient in the classroom. Staff in the early stages of their teaching careers are rapidly becoming expert practitioners.’
2022 Inspection
‘The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.’
‘Pupils make exceptional progress from their starting points.’
‘Pioneer House High is a warm, welcoming school where visitors, staff, pupils and families are treated with respect, regardless of religion, sexuality or ethnicity.’
2019 Inspection
‘Pupils flourish at this exceptional school.’
‘There is an unrelenting drive to prepare pupils for the world around them. Staff do not see pupils’ needs as a barrier to achieving this.’
‘Staff feel that they are highly valued.’
2023 Inspection
‘Prospect House provides an inspiring learning environment in which pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities flourish.’
‘Leaders and staff have created a respectful and nurturing school where everybody matters.’
‘Adults are incredibly ambitious for every pupil. As a result of steely determination and a high-quality curriculum, every pupil excels.’
2023 Inspection