Orchard House Consultation

Orchard House Consultation
12th Jul 2024

Orchard House ConsultationOrchard House High School – Section 10 Consultation

Orchard House Specialist Support High School is a Local Authority commissioned special school with FE provision. The school will include places for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD) and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) young people aged 11-19, including those with PMLD. This is a co-educational local authority special free school with 150 places (120 for 11-16 & 30 for 16–19-year-olds).


Prospere Learning Trust is pleased to announce the launch of our Section 10 consultation in relation to our new special school, Orchard House, which will be located in Miles Platting, Manchester. Prospere is legally required to hold a consultation as part of Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010.

This consultation enables local residents, parents, community groups and other interested parties to share their views. By completing and submitting the survey below, you agree that you would like us to use your comments to inform our plans for Orchard House. Further information about our plans for Orchard House is available in the Consultation booklet below.

Share your views

Orchard House Booklet